They Want You

The Left wants us off the highways, 
they want us out of the air.
They want us sitting at home with nothing,
wringing our hands in despair.
They want our shelves to be empty,
they don't want us cooking with gas.
They want our children perverted,
by transgender goons in their class.
They want us to sweat in the summer,
in the winter to go without heat.
They want us to suffer in silence,
to give in to them in defeat.
They want the DOJ working for them,
wanting it weaponized against us.
They want to throw us all under,
Kamala's lovely big yellow bus.
They want us to give up our religion,
to worship a commie regime.
They want us to be subservient peons,
giving in to all of their schemes.
They want the border in chaos,
wanting this invasion to go on.
They want our Republic destroyed,
to usher in a communist dawn.
They want mothers to murder their babies,
for their mental health and self-worth.
They want abortionists to kill them,
right up till they're partially birthed.
They want fentenyl to kill thousands,
of any children lucky enough to survive.
They want us all living like insects,
in a world wide Hellstrom's Hive.
They want us to deny our own truth,
and foolishly believe all their lies.
They want us to fall for their fake tears,
when they don't see the tears from our eyes.
They want us on their path to destruction,
Blindly following them to our doom.
They don't want to see us openly praying,
praying for our God to lower the boom.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/10/23
