Things to Do In America When You’re Braindead

Train tracks crossing oceans, balloons to the moon.
The whitehouse is occupied by an old red-a**ed baboon.
Drag Queens are parading, old lies are being recycled.
You can't navigate in D.C., too much Bulls**t's been piled.
Alphabet agencies run amok. the DOJ's out of control.
To convict Donald Trump, democrats sold their souls.
Drag Queens have story hours, transgenders groom kids.
Freedom's been subverted, our republic's up for bids.
Commonsense left for Mexico, an invasion's under way.
Our constitutions outdated, is what the corruptocrats say.
Abortion is mainstream, murderous mommies applauded.
Taxation is onerous, by government we're defrauded.
Speaking your mind is criminal, voices are shut down.
Mindnumbing pretenders, harangue us from tinsel town.
It's all touchy-feely in our Whitehouse with Biden in charge.
Women are groped and felt up when Biden's at large.
We're told it's all good, no reason we should be alarmed.
It's how old perverts play, no children are harmed.
When politicians are compromised, and we have proof.
Democrats just smile, when they should hit the roof.
Trust has been abrogated in favor of government control.
American dreams do not involve any communist goals.
Those are called pipedreams, promises made to fools.
Usually by our red-a**ed baboon, Chinas paid for tool.
 Let's build that pan-oceanic railroad and a stairway to Heaven.
With luck the work should be done by four thousand eleven.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/17/23