Under the Bench

He went the way of the world, expecting rainbows and skittles.
He'd been endarkened and brainwashed, a fauning lickspittle.
He had been radicalized, he was now searching for a cause.
Just like his college professors he had no respect for the law.
He camped by the roadside, he was trained to crap in plain sight.
He thought he knew everything, but was a far cry from bright.
He said his parents abandoned him when he turned thirty-two.
They didn't like the crowd in the basement, him and his twit crew.
He left home in a huge hurry, he never thought to look back.
His parents led them all away, by waving a huge sack of crack.
Finally a couple days out of town they tossed them the crack.
They were sure the fools were too stupid to find their way back.
At least that's the story he told, painting himself as a victim.
He had done nothing wrong and to the curb they had kicked him.
A couple years later he wound up on the streets of L.A.
When he ran out of free crack, all his friends had drifted away.
He thought he was in Paradise, in L.A. everythings always free.
If you need food, you steal it and the cops will just let you be.
He loved the kicked back life, he loved his life in the shade.
He loved the cash and the drugs he was happy, he had it made.
He didn't work or support himself he was a ward of the state..
He helped drain the tax coffers, but he always had a full plate.
As he drifted through his worthless life, thirty years flew on by.
He was in his mid-sixties and sadly he was still getting high.
The drugs seemed much stronger, but he could care less.
With the fentenyl and the meth, his life was under duress.
One day they found his body under a bench he slept beneath.
The syringe still stuck in his arm and the tie off in his teeth.
The meat wagon was called, there was naught could be done.
They threw him in a mass grave and the world moved on.
He had no identification, not a single soul knew his name.
This story is common in paradise, the victims all look the same.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/20/23