Why has the truth become disinformation.
The MSM reports lies informing the nation.
The FBI threatens big tech to bury the truth.
Twitter used "Visibility Filtering" in it's dis-info booth.
Visibility Filtering aka Shadow Banning.
Controlling the message with govt. planning.
The FBI helped Joe Biden steal an election.
The truth has come out, so has their deflection.
If the MSM doesn't report it, who's gonna know.
It's just more disinformation on some Foxnews show.
The FBI colluded, Jack Dorcey, willingly complied.
Mark Zuckerberg fell into line, the truth was denied.
Donald Trump was cancelled, with millions of others.
The truth was dissed by big tech's band of sick brothers.
We heard the lies, straight from Joe Biden's face.
The laptop was disinformation from outer space.
They all knew the truth, they all so easily lied.
The will of the American people, had been denied. 
An election was stolen, an evil usurper installed.
If the MSM reported the truth, it's fans would be appalled.
This big tech, MSM, FBI, Biden Cabal must be shut down.
The country is being destroyed by demonrat clowns.
Our democracy is being threatened, by democrat lies.
In Silicon Valley, where in darkness truth dies.
D.L. Crockett --12/10/22

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