After the Coma

How can someone profess to believe, what they know is a lie.
Why can they turn it into a hill on which they might die.
How can someone hear gibberish, then clap and applaud.
Doesn't it define them as a damn fool and a fraud.
How can someone watch a poor leader, a posturing fool.
Then walk away thinking, Joe Biden is cool.
How can someone watch crappy news and think it is real.
How can they stomach such nonsense with a good meal.
What is the reason for thinking if your thoughts don't make sense.
When your life is destroyed, how can you sit on the fence.
Is there something I'm missing, am I so self-deluded.
Do I live in Bizarro world, has my brain been rebooted.
Are my questions pertinent, why are any  answers evasive.
Why do lies spread so quickly, why are lies so pervasive.
Who's making the rules now, how'd these fools get elected.
Has the American melting pot, somehow been infected.
Has the American dream been perverted, have I awakened in Hell.
Why has the truth become such a hard thing to sell.
Am I having a nightmare, is this the communists dream.
If it is can I please wake up now, I really want to scream.
This can't be the same world into which I was born.
Why does no one speak english, why does everyone look foriegn.
Is there something I missed, did something happen to me.
It's like I woke up in the Twilight Zone, how can this be.
The whole place is bonkers, these fools seem insane.
Was there some kind of epidemic that killed half their brains.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/13/23