
Wasted words and wasted thoughts,
wasting time with evil plots.
Useless drivel, spouted by fools,
wasted lifes as communist tools.
Wasted money on foolish dreams,
wasted innocence on vile things.
Misplaced trust and wasted love,
go together hand and glove.
Wasted gifts and wasted minds,
life really doesn't accept all kinds.
Wasted moments and rueful days,
never changing those evil ways.
Wasted smiles and broken promises,
smiling leftist godless adonises.
Who can be trusted, who doesn't lie,
who has the time to watch time fly.
Wasted motion on useless quests,
 wasted answers on failed tests.
Infernal schemes, ungodly goals,
compromised men, sold out souls.
Wasted wishes on temporal baubles,
accepting Satan's eternal hobbles.
Waste not, want not, forever true.
wastrels must repent to live anew.
Wasting God's gifts, a crying shame,
Look to yourself when casting blame.
One more wasted life, you're not alone,
quit wasting time, you must atone.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/5/23