We Deserve

We deserve transparency, we're told there's nothing to see.
We're told by bureaucrats how things are going to be.
We deserve explanations, we're fed gobbledgook.
Although our heads are spinning, from listening to crooks.
We demand our tax dollars are not frittered away.
Yet the national debt press growing by billions each day.
We believe in a free press not a compromised media.
We say "leave our kids alone" democrats push pedophelia.
We think public schools are where the 3 R's are learned.
Imagine our horror when transgender kids are returned.
We elect politicians who supposedly represent our views.
And seem to get crony-capitalists who do as they choose.
We think police have been hired to protect us and our streets.
Not to be babysitters for perverts and drugged up deadbeats.
We deserve a judiciary that does not coddle criminals.
The results of this pandering to America will be terminal.
This is our country, not some marxist new world order.
We demand an end to the invasion on our southern border.
We demand the same country that our ancestors died for.
Not some communist pipedream the left has in store.
We want our guns and religion and our Bill of Rights.
A return to the days of the past when we win the fights.
We demand fair elections, bereft of democrat fraud.
We demand our rights not be trampled over roughshod.
We want the Pledge of Allegiance to ring in school halls.
We want "One nation under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL!
D.L. Crockett -- 1/16/23

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