We Get It Joe

Facial features distorted, smoke pouring from ears.
Joe Biden is on one, too bad there's no one who hears.
No one is listening to his tirade, who the hell cares.
We're sick of his posturing, and his vacant stares.
He doesn't know why he's angry, his message is rote.
It's nonsensical gobbledygook, how he floats his boat.
More press conference theatre, more pablum for fools.
Sucked up by his choir, like Joe, braindead ghouls.
For gosh sakes Joe, shut up, go rest your neck.
Before you blow a gasket and faceplant on the deck.
Spare us the bulls**it, we've all heard it before.
You're not getting through Joe, we know the score.
You're a demented old blowhard, your message is moot.
No one here is willing to lick your damn boot.
Go ahead with your tantrum, it's all so uniting.
We know it's your strawman you're unwittingly fighting.
You haven't won any battles, stick your pen up your a*s.
Signing harmful BS, EO's doesn't mean you have class.
It's usurping the constitution, that's what usurpers do.
It's your go to modus operandi, we all know it's true.
So shuffle back to the basement, take your pen in hand.
Sign another stupid EO that you don't understand.
Then next time we see you, we'll know what to expect.
Another name-calling tirade, more of your disrespect.
Calling us racists who want to destroy our democracy.
We're not that stupid Joe, we see through your hypocrisy.
You're an old empty suit, that does what it's told.
 Some coward in the shadows, is how you're controlled.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/19/23