What Not to Expect

You think government owes us the truth, good luck with that.
 Our government is infested with self-serving demonrats.
The truth is anathema, obsolete, when fools prefer hearing lies.
The lies infect every part of society, impropriety's on the rise.
Its all about weaving those webs, that catch the unwary and old.
Take advantage of the innocent, monger their fears, be bold.
Make them those promises, you have no intentions of keeping.
It's no worse than robbing us blind, while everyone's sleeping.
Their explanations are useless, usually hypocritical crap.
Might as well turn off the sound and watch their lips flap.
Joe Biden's the worst, he's never aware what he's saying.
Someone elses voice in his head, is who Biden's obeying.
He can't answer serious questions about his ongoing corruption.
Without flying off the handle in one of his angry eruptions.
If the question's too close to the truth, he's gets defensive.
Instantly attacking the messenger, he goes on the offensive.
 Questions are forgotten as Joe Biden storms out of the room.
To deflect, deny and defy, is how Joe Biden's been groomed.
Demonrats owe us nothing, we're all just pesky peons.
We can't handle "their" truth with our compromised nuerons.
There isn't enough grains of salt in the ocean to assuage the BS.
Donald Trump is the best candidate to untangle this mess.
That's why he's persecuted, Trump has too much integrity.
His election would spell doom for their new commie society.
We need to stay strong, we need to avoid demonrat traps.
They're easy to identify, there's always a strong smell of crap.
It's time to boot out the rinos, kick their butts to the curb.
Conservatives electing democrats, can it get more absurd.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/11/23