What’s Wrong With Lying

Democrat lies clutter the airwaves, a constant assault on our ears.
Yet when accused of your lying, miraculously no one can hear.
You whistle through graveyards while looking for votes.
The ship of state is sinking, because your rocking the boat.
No one knows what you're thinking, your reason for the lies.
Left to do our due diligence, honest folks are quick to surmise.
Demonrats must be born with forked tongues in their mouths.
The truth works much better, than any lies d-rats espouse.
Your actions always betray you, your promises are easily broke.
You're piece of crap leader, is the world's biggest damn joke.
You're base is mostly all morons, looking for free rides.
You glorify perverted creeps and you share in their pride.
You let pedophiles abuse children, that is if they're not yours.
The old democrat party has become Satan's favorite whores.
Anyone with the gonads to speak out, are slandered and smeared.
The democrats morals and values have completely disappeared.
Our leaders are older than dirt, that goes for both sides of the aisle.
That goes especially for Joe Biden with deaths rictis like smile.
You pander to China and have the gall to blame Donald Trump.
There isn't an honest person, democrats wouldn't hesitate to chump.
It's the left's modus operandi, they always fall back on hypocrisy.
They destroy our Republic, saying the right destroys their democracy.
Their democracy, what a joke, a communist controlled nuthouse.
Where elections are stolen, we have a usurper in the White House.
Always so quick with the aspersions, so quick to cast blame.
Democrats won't ever be happy with just 15 minutes of fame.
Their goal is a one party Hell with a dictator ensconsed for life.
Step out of line and object, how swiftly come out the knives.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/27/23
