My savings are dwindling, the future looks grim.
Dimwit democrat politicians, are acting more dim.
The sun is still shining, but not on the hill.
That shining city, has devolved into a Hell.
What’s wrong with these idiots, I don’t understand.
Why for some made up crisis, destroy the whole land.
There’s no global warming, I’m not buying that.
It’s all made up nonsense by demonic rats.
They’re sinking their ship, before they can flee.
Tell me, how stupid, can these demonrats be.
Either blind or uncaring, they foul their own nest.
Somehow, stupidly thinking, it’s all for the best.
Exacting revenge for perceived slights from the past.
Spending our tax dollars, way too damn fast.
It’s for your own good, They lie through their teeth.
Before we give you paradise you must suffer grief.
A new dawn is coming, one bleeding red
One gained by the sacrifice of billions of dead.
A world cleansed of us peons, a new home for elites.
One free of good people and Donald Trump tweets.
They no longer hide it, this is their perceived goal.
Establishing a new world order without Americas soul.
Are they over reaching with their grandiose schemes.
Their in your face destruction of the American dream.
It seems every day, they sink to a new level.
Could it be they are seeking to outdo the devil.
Their path to destruction only leads to their doom.
I pray their dreams comfort them inside their tombs
D.L. Crockett — 7/12/22