When the Children Lie

Broken and discouraged, cast to one side.
Told by your children you can't show white pride.
Your kids despise you because you are white.
Making matters worse, you fear they are right.
You've heard it so long, you didn't want to believe.
You wouldn't fall into the webs the left weaves.
Now here's your children smack-dab in your face.
Calling you "cracker" hating their own race.
It's not reverse racism, it's now called CRT.
You were a misguided lunatic to not quickly see.
The schools teach it in secret, brainwashing minds.
Teaching inclusivity but not for all kinds.
White folks are victims of racism by other white folks.
 Wearing make believe blackface, for the virtue invoked.
Try to remember, your kids haven't sold out. 
They're just repeating the lies the left spreads about.
Young minds are malleable, like moldable clay.
Freedom of speech is verboten in classrooms today.
It's a lot of choose the wrong, ignore what's right.
Intelligence suffers and kids are no longer as bright.
The teachers don't care, they're after that paycheck.
The Department of Education is a communist wreck.
The next time your kids start disparaging you.
Try to remember what the schools put them through.
It takes a commie village to raise a communist child.
Your imput doesn't matter, that's putting it mild.
You have no say in what your kid's taught to say.
So quit your damn whining and just look away.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/12/23