2000 mules, is but a drop in the bucket.
It’s really millions of votes, from Nome to Nantucket.
Millions of votes, millions of cases of fraud.
Shedding light on the stolen election, democrats laud.
Trump was cheated, a usurper installed.
Americans watching it unfold, rightfully were apalled.
Democrats as usual have gone one step too far.
Biden should be rode out of town in feathers and tar.
To cover their fraud, they execute a fake “insurrection”
A plot to divert the truth from detection.
Their plots work for a minute, the truth always outs.
The DNC has been turned over to dishonest louts.
The MSM has jumped in, reporting, the truth is a lie.
All they have now is, defy, lie deny and imply.
Imply a conspiracy, blaming it on the right.
To dream this crap up, they’re up in the night.
Will the perps be brought to justice, probably not.
Not with this leftist DOJ we’ve presently got.
Or with our MSM operating like Pravda or TASS.
Who are in the pocket of a corrupt, d-rat, elitist class.
Shady democrats hiding behind smoke and mirrors.
Will this time be different, when the smoke clears?
We know God is watching, will he step in.
Saving us from ourselves once again.
D.L. Crockett — 5/23/22