A Man of No Substance

If Biden's for real, it seems he would have some substance.
I'm not talking about stupidity of which he has an abundance.
I'm talking about something to see, besides empty suits.
Something shuffling around besides empty boots.
If Biden has something to say, why can't he get it said.
What kind of nonsense is jumbled up inside his empty head.
Biden stands for nothing, he supports everything bad.
He will go down in history as the worst leader we've had.
He mocks our religion, he supports Satan's evil plans.
He's all for hundreds of genders and switching of glans.
He supports grooming children and transgender queers.
He says he brings us together then mongers to fears.
Conservative whites are all racists, but he's a good guy.
He's a self-expressed catholic, but he wants babies to die.
He's a pro-choice panderer, leading the left's cult of death.
He wants abortions on demand across the land's breadth.
He's a sneaky snake in the grass, speaks with forked tongue.
He thinks around the whole world his praises are sung.
The man is delusional, here and abroad he's despised.
His self-serving evil demeanor cannot be disguised.
Our allies see a buffoon, a legend in his own mind.
A fool who's steering the world into a terrible bind.
 Biden doesn't have a serious thought in his criminal brain.
It's all, what's in it for him, how does he stand to gain.
His whole life's been a fraud, the first to steal an election.
The point man or puppet of the communist infection.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/26/23