Who’s watching over us, who cares about me.
It’s no one in Washington, that’s plain to see.
My bank account is shrinking, less every day.
Our fearless leaders try to explain it away.
They blame Donald Trump, Although he’s gone.
They blame Russia’s Putin as the war carries on.
They never blame Biden, He hasn’t a worry in sight.
He doesn’t worry about staying warm through the night.
He need not worry bout the high price of food.
His plate is full, he’s a worry free dude.
Why should he care how far our gas dollars go.
We pay for his travel, so how would he know.
We pay for his pudding, his ice cream is free.
He stands at his podium and talks down to me.
He blithers and blathers, mumbles and drools.
It’s quickly sucked up by libtards and fools.
What else can I say, I’ve repeated it so much.
With most of the country, he’s so out of touch.
They prop him up, he says stupid things.
Then he’s rushed out, back into the wings.
No questions, no answers, he’s whisked away.
We’re shown an edited video, if lucky, next day.
They’re afraid he could blurt out something true.
It doesn’t matter, we know what they do.
It’s their agenda, we know their desires.
They’re lying to us and sing to their choirs.
D.L. Crockett — 5/3/22