Who the Hell Are They

Who are these a*sholes, these ungodly backstabbing fools.
Who always press ahead blithely creating their own rules.
Always ready to let fly aspersions, so quickly casting blame.
Always with foregone conclusions, destroying good names. 
Obfuscating their true intentions, behind smoke and mirrors.
Always spinning the truth, with fake news and mongered fears.

Who are these minions of evil, these self-aggrandized creeps.
Who are taking America backwards in great bounds and leaps.
Saying they need to move forward with their devilish schemes.
Running roughshod over Americans, ignoring our screams.
The same backwards thinking, same pipedreams of success.
The same modus-operandi, turn what works into a hot mess.

Who are these worthless idiots, who are so full of themselves.
Working to expand communism, sweeping truth off the shelves.
Who would rather believe lies, who at the liars trough's feast.
Who rush to adorn themselves with the MARK OF THE BEAST.
Who will gladly subject themselves to the infernos of Hell.
Then diligently endarken young minds, working as Satan's shills.

Of course it's the party of Satan, his multitudes of lost souls.
Who know nothing of Salvation, or pursuing eternal goals.
It's the party of disorder and chaos, broken dreams and promises.
Of Aquiescent morons and fools self-draped in satan's harnesses.
It's the flotsam and jetsam, the refugees from the world of light.
With no other goal but serving their doom, the MASTER OF BLIGHT.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/5/23
