The die had been cast, the dice had been rolled.
Biden banked millions, our country was sold.
It’s being played out in front of our eyes.
Behind smoke and mirrors and litanies of lies.
His agenda is compromised, so is his soul.
America’s leader is a Chinese, communist mole.
His so-called dementia is the perfect disguise.
The immaculate deception and all it implies.
His message is garbled as it’s meant to be.
The shiny distracting object, we’re meant to see.
Meanwhile behind the curtain, destruction reigns.
Guided by demonrats with their conniving brains.
Their names are legion, they are democrat fools.
Sold out to the adversary, compromised tools.
Sold out for promises of riches and power.
Lords of the land, ensconced in ivory towers.
Those promises mean nothing, the devil’s a fraud.
Satan is no one to worship, no one to laud.