Who’s the Hero Here?

Wanting to debunk democrat lies, he was incessantly mocked.
His free speech was shut down, his message was blocked.
He climbed up on a soapbox, he thought to speak to the masses.
His soapbox was yanked from under him by the left's useful fascists.
Undaunted, he climbed on his roof, thinking his truth must be heard,
They burned his house to the ground, truth would not be endured.
He was hounded and persecuted, frivolous lawsuits were filed.
Through the lefts constant attacks, he stood strong and smiled.
He became the left's biggest target, new schemes were rolled out.
Jounalists jumped on the bandwagon, lies were bandied about.
New bombshells were dropping daily, thank God they were duds.
Members of his inner circle sold out, he'd considered them buds.
District Attorneys were possessed, they must bring him down.
They trotted out liar's by the dozens, proven publicity hounds.
Still he stood tall and spoke true, his popularity continued to grow.
He was the subject of hackjobs, democrat dog and pony shows.
He still kept his promises, he seemed to thrive with adversity.
He laughed in their faces, he told them to stick their diversity.
He drove them mad, they doubled down, seeking his ignominous end.
The FBI was weaponized, The DOJ cast caution to the wind.
Evidence was fabricated, witnesses paid, Biden gave the okay.
It would be a happy day in Hell if demonrats got their way.
Still he stood tall through all the accusations and innuendos.
They crawled out of the walls, the greedy lawyers and bimbos.
Now he's been indicted with bulls**t, once again the fools are elated.
But the Man will prevail, for all the reasons that I've related.
A juggernaut can never be stopped by evil snakes in the grass.
It's just one more dud bombshell, He will never feel the blast.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/10/23