World Economic Takedown


The World Economic Takedown, run by, Commie Baboons.
Power driven, control seeking, elitist goons.
A rich-mans cabal, that cares not for the people.
We’re second class citizens, the peons, the sheeple.
Their goal is a world where freedom is gone.
All of our property, stolen, destroyed or gone.
We’ll be left with nothing, stupidly holding the bag.
Sucked in by bullshit, our voices now gagged.
What’s wrong with these people, have they no souls.
Messing with our lives, for their stupid goals.
Are they the ones pulling Joe Biden’s Strings.
Do they fill his treleprompter, with unspeakable things.
Whatever they’re doing, it stinks and it smells.
Who elected these scumbags to usher in Hell.
Megalomaniacs, with their damn open borders.
Turning America into a land of disorder.
Evil incarnate, Lucifer’s nightmarish dream.
To the democrat base, it’s a lark, just a scream.
D-Rats decry the rich but they love rich old ghouls.
They flock to George Soros to be willing tools.
They offer their babies, he sucks their blood.
Prolonging the life Of this evil piece of old crud.
Forgive them not, They know what they do.
We’ll all be subjegated, before they’re through.
D.L. Crockett — 5/25/22