You Have a Choice

They have voids in their thinking, holes in their heads.
They've lost all continuity, losing track of life's threads.
They're message is irrevelent, claptrap for fools.
Put out there by idiots, from where the imbeciles rule.
A tasteless new pablum to be sucked up by dolts.
A vile gruel hashed and rehashed by psuedo-adults.
An asinine collection of thinkers with childish minds.
Spouting diversity drivel, shunning folks of all kinds.
Bottoms of barrels have been scraped squeaky clean.
To supply cannon fodder for the left's moronic dreams.
Downward ever downward, their path to Hell leads.
With the demonic left supplying their worldly needs.
Their dysfunction is praised, vile actions applauded.
Worshippers of the devil, young minds besotted.
Upsetting the apple cart, to bring about ungodly change.
A growing rot on society, spreading like the mange.
How quickly spreads evil with gates left standing ajar.
With evils foot in the door, with the clowns in the car.
The means to another's ends, have led them astray.
Far away from the light, fighting for evil's dark day.
It's time to awaken, free yourselves from the shackles.
Time to honor your parents and chase off the jackals.
Why seek for ignominy, infamy and spiritual death.
Why not spreads God's promise with your temporal breath.
 Rewards are much greater, than wasted ill-used libations.
Turn your minds to eternity, and your promised salvation
D.L. Crockett -- 8/5/23